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Since 2014, Zweben Law Group has run an annual Bike Drive to gift brand-new bikes to children in need during the holiday season. Over the past 10 years, we have provided thousands of bikes to local children through the United Way Holiday Project all thanks to your support. 

A gift of $75 or more will provide one bike and helmet for a local child, but a donation of any amount is appreciated and will go a long way toward bringing joy to local families who feel financial strain during the holidays. 

We are hopeful that with your continued generosity, we can provide the gift of a shiny new bike under every tree. 

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Bike Drive Event Registration and Donation Form


Please enter the quantity you would like to purchase for each field below.

Registration for the kickoff party has now closed, but tickets can be purchased at the door for $50. Bike donations are still available and appreciated.

Please enter your Credit Card information below, then click "Next Page" to see your total contribution and confirm the transaction.