Volunteer United

The mission of Volunteer United is to engage people of all ages and backgrounds in volunteer service that enriches the individual and strengthens the community.  

This is accomplished by running a talent recruitment and retention program that places volunteers at several nonprofit and public agencies to help them meet their goals by utilizing the experience and assistance of dedicated volunteers.  Another way this is accomplished is by operating several internal projects and services.

Volunteer United provides direct services to Martin County residents through four internal programs:

United Way Holiday Project

The United Way Holiday Project provides food and toys to struggling families referred to the program by local nonprofit and social service agencies, thus avoiding the duplication of services. 

AmeriCorps Seniors 

AmeriCorps Seniors engages people 55+ in meaningful and challenging opportunities that have a demonstrable impact on the community. 

Ride United

Ride United offers FREE, scheduled, round-trip LYFT rides to connect Martin County residents to education, employment, health care and other critical services.


HandsOnMartin engages the community in Days of Service such as Family Volunteering Day, United Way Day of Caring, and other done-in-a-day projects that bring groups of people together in service to the community.


Disaster Services

United Way of Martin County coordinates pre and post disaster services and serves as ESF 15 at the Emergency Operations Center. 

Presidential Service Awards 

participating organization for volunteer hours
Certificate Training: training for Volunteer Resource Managers to ensure that have the knowledge and tools to build the capacity for effective volunteer management


Volunteer Resource Management educational and networking group


Our Advisory Council is comprised of business leaders,
volunteers, and United Way representatives

  • Amy Bottegal - United Way Board and South State Investment Services
  • Jane Cebelak – Volunteer
  • Mary Cohen - Volunteer
  • Michael Collins - Volunteer
  • Ron Medeiros – Volunteer
  • Donna True - Council on Aging of Martin County

Staff Representative:

  • Kathleen Stacey, AmeriCorps Seniors

Thank You to our Program Sponsor