Tocqueville Society
The Alexis de Tocqueville Society is United Way's national giving society. Formed in March 1984, the Tocqueville Society was created to deepen individuals' understanding of, commitment to and support of United Way's work of advancing the common good by creating opportunities for a better life.
United Way of Martin County's Tocqueville Society was established in 1991 by local famed celebrity, Frances Langford. Frances served as the 1st Tocqueville Society Chair and dedicated much of her life to giving back to our community. She is argued to be one of the most charitable individuals in Martin County history.
The Tocqueville Society recognizes local philanthropic leaders and volunteer champions around the world who have devoted time, talent, and treasures to create long-lasting changes by tackling our community's most serious issues. Members of the Tocqueville Society make a significant impact in our community by contributing $10,000+ annually.
Specifically, the United Way Tocqueville Society aims to:
- Change lives through philanthropic leadership by focusing on the building blocks for a better life: a quality education that leads to a stable job; income that can support a family through retirement; and good health.
- Communicate the vital role of personal philanthropic action in creating long-lasting changes by addressing the underlying causes of societal problems.
- Enhance local recognition of long-standing service volunteers.
- Foster philanthropic action and voluntary community service.
- Expand high-level personal giving and United Way Major and Planned Giving programs of a high standard.
- Strengthen local leadership development and Major Giving efforts by building upon cross-geographical linkages.
- Prominently position the Tocqueville Society name and the United Way brand in an effort to stimulate the exchange of philanthropic ideas while maintaining a positive national quality image.
Tocqueville Step-Up Program (New Members Only)
Become a Tocqueville Society member today with a gift of $5,000 this year, $7,500 next year, and the full $10,000 the following year.
Tocqueville Legacy Circle
The United Way Tocqueville Legacy Circle was created to honor current Tocqueville members who have also made Legacy commitments of $250,000 or more. These Tocqueville members are visionaries making lasting gifts to the cause of caring.
The Legacy commitment may be:
- A realized deferred gift received from a bequest or similar vehicle of $250,000 or more.
- An outright gift or documented written pledge to the endowment fund of $250,000 or more.
- A written notification of a revocable or irrevocable planned gift arrangement, such as a provision in a will, a life insurance policy, or a split-interest gift with a face amount or death benefit of $250,000 or more.
Leadership Giving
Leadership donors are committed to improving the quality of life in our community through personal leadership development and philanthropic involvement. Membership is open to individuals who contribute $1,000-$9,999 annually.
- Annual appreciation event to recognize member contributions to our community
- Monthly e-newsletters highlighting United Way and community information
- Special volunteer opportunities
- Private Agency Tours upon request
- Annual Report recognition
Amplify Your Impact
Many donors choose to give from their assets, including:
- Appreciated stocks
- Gifts from their IRA/Qualified Charitable Distributions
- Digital currency
- Grants from their Donor Advised Funds.
These giving vehicles create a significant impact while offering valuable tax benefits. Learn more about them by visiting: unitedwaymartin.org/GiftOptions
For more information about these giving levels, contact Trey Fritz, Director of Development, at 772-283-4800, ext. 2212, or tfritz@unitedwaymartin.org.