Martin County School District Pledge Form


Preferred Donation Method
Payroll Deduction
Check Donation
Cash Donation

Credit / Debit Card Donors:

Thank you for your support of the United Way.
To complete your donation by credit or debit card - please click here.

Contact Information
Personalize Your Gift

About the Community Impact Fund

A gift to United Way’s Community Fund allows you to help more people than a gift to a single nonprofit can. United Way experts look for gaps and duplications so Community Impact Fund dollars go to the needs everyone is aware of but also to those needs less obvious but no less important.Your gift to United Way’s Community Impact Fund ensures that your donation is invested where the need is greatest. Donations are monitored to ensure the programs are effective, meet current community needs, and are financially stable and sustainable.

Invest My Donation In...
United Way Priority Area
United Way Program
Donors may designate to any organization eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions. To see if the organization in question qualifies, go to Tax Exempt Organization Search (
My signature below, confirms my payroll deduction request as stated above.

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